Monday 17 January 2011

Synopsis - James Laird

-          Beginning starts off with a typical type gangster walking down the road talking about how his life has been crazy within the past year or so. Images of these “crazy times” flashback and show some of the things that he has done within the past year. He walks in to a café and sits down talking to a client of some sort which we don’t know who he is at the moment.  It then cuts off to show him walking elsewhere and then another voice over kicks in. He begins to talk about how that this moment in time could be the biggest chance he has to be able to obtain a lot of money. It then cuts to a scene of him opening a door with a tortured victim. He beats the victim asking for answer and then the victim gets the ropes loose that are tied to him and then he hits the gangster person. The gangster character then drops to the ground and it then flashes to the victim running off and then flashes back to the gangster and you then see his eyes open up. That’s the end of the opening scene; this then leads the audience to think that there will be a chase of some sort throughout the rest of the movie.

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